// Private, Encrypted Contact Forms

// Private, Encrypted Contact Forms

Form Management (p3Vq)

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Information / Statistics

Form ID: p3Vq
Views: 66
Messages: 0


You are not currently logged in, so the only way to access this page is with your private Admin URL.

Login / Register to save your forms!

Personalize Your Contact Form

Form Display Options

Change how your form looks to the lucky people sending you messages.

Form Fields

Toggle or add extra input fields you want displayed on your form.


Embedding your Form

Using your form on your website or blog is easy. Here is some code to get you started.

Basic Embedding

Simply include the following code on your website and your form will be embedded:

Advanced Options

Various options can be specified in the embed URL to customize the look of your embedded form.

Currently the following parameters are supported: "width", "height" and "style" (default or plain).

For more complicated situations, you might want to use your own HTML form and POST us the data.


Using your own HTML form

We support POSTing data to your fnContact form from an existing HTML form, which is a great option for people that already have existing forms or need more control over styling.

Step 1: Point your existing form to us

Step 2: Include our captcha

If you don't include our captcha code, we will prompt the user for a captcha before processing the form.

Optional: Set redirect URLs

Optionally you can specify redirect urls within your form and we will redirect your website form user back to your website after processing your form submission.

Just create input fields similar to the following:
<input type="hidden" name="url_success" value="http://your-success-page" />
<input type="hidden" name="url_error" value="http://your-error-page" />

That's all there is to it. Now when the form on your website is submitted, we will process and store all the POSTed data and your messages will show up in your fnContact form dashboard.

Don't forget, you can always simply embed your entire fnContact form on your website.


Login / Register


Do you really want to delete your form?

If you choose to delete this form, it will immediately disappear and be gone forever! There's no turning back.


Links / URLs / Embed

Use the following links/URLs to access, share or embed your contact form.

Use your form on an existing website

It's easy to use your fnContact form on your website or blog with just a few lines of HTML.

Embed my form » Use my own HTML form »

Not sure what you need? Let us know and we'll help you out.


Form Settings and Options

Form Management

Email Notifications

You don't have to give us your email address, but if you do, we'll email you when you receive messages.



Enter your Passphrase

Enter your passphrase to unlock your private key and decrypt your messages.

Status: Waiting for passphrase

Export / Download Messages

Your messages and form data are always available for download in various formats.

Download all your form messages:



Encryption / Password Protection

Enabling PGP encryption ensures that only you can read your messages (even we can't read them).

Enter a password below and generate your PGP keys to enable encryption.

Status: Waiting to generate keys

Use your own PGP keys

Paste your PGP keys in the boxes below and they will be used to encrypt your fnContact form messages.

The passphrase below will be used to encrypt your private key with 256 bit AES before it is sent to us.

Status: Waiting for passphrase to encrypt private key
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