// Private, Encrypted Contact Forms

// Private, Encrypted Contact Forms

About FnContact

Our mission is to provide simple, private, secure contact forms that are easy to use.


It only takes one click (yes, literally) to get an FnContact form up and running. For more advanced needs, we have various settings and personalization features you can use to make your contact forms even more awesome and secure.


FnContact is serious about privacy. You never have to give us your email address or register/login to create and use FnContact forms. You can create temporary "burner" forms that are completely private and anonymous, or choose to register/login with us and we'll save all your important forms for you.

Our forms also provide you with a private, anonymous, secure method of contact without the need to give out personal data (such as your email address) to the public.


FnContact is serious about security. All our contact forms use SSL (HTTPS) and provide various security options to control how your messages are accessed and who can view them. You can optionally enable browser-based PGP encryption to ensure end-to-end encryption (we can't even read them). Each form also includes an easy-to-use CAPTCHA to fight SPAM and malicious users.

Form Dashboard

Every FnContact form has it's own easy-to-use dashboard which is used to view your messages and change various form settings and personalization options. There is also a read-only dashboard you can share with others if you need multiple people to view your messages. You can also export all your messages at any time.

Get Notified

If you choose to give us your email address, we will notify you whenever new messages are received from your contact form. You can also use our FnContact.com Form Notifier Chrome Extension to let you know when new messages arrive.

Use it on your website

FnContact forms can easily be embedded on your website with just a few simple lines of code.

If you'd like to use your own HTML form, you can simply use FnContact.com as your form processor and POST your form submissions to your FnContact form. All your contact form submissions (along with all POST data) will be stored in your form's dashboard.

See it in Action

To see how our contact forms work, check out OUR contact form. Yes, of course we use FnContact! :P


If you have questions, concerns or ideas on how to make FnContact more awesome, please let us know!

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// Web Hosting provided by Krellen